Phone: 503.893.8532

Artist’s Statement
After years of ignoring my artistic bent, a restart of my art practice led to reconnecting with the “me” I used to know and like. I found that my northern California roots run deep. My paintings are an out flowing of these influences which have been quietly living in my west coast soul since childhood: where the rugged ocean, iconic redwoods and rolling vineyards were at my fingertips and my creativity was nurtured by music and art at home. Additionally, my works are not only an out flowing, but also an inward connection to loves I had forgotten about: surf culture, the San Francisco vibe and a carefree California girl exploration of life. By extension, my paintings are an invitation for viewers to contemplate, dream and rediscover.
Acrylics and canvas are my current materials of choice. The quick drying quality of these paints allows me to continually experiment with color, layers and texture. I am fascinated by the dynamics of complementary colors and banish black paint from my palette.
All of my paintings are referenced by my own photographs. However, the finished project may barely resemble the original image: evidence of the compelling mystery and surprise of art making that keeps me coming back to experience more.
And more about me:
I escaped from California several years ago and happily landed in the magnificent Pacific Northwest, which I now call home. As a child I enjoyed sharing my art in a variety of ways: creating greeting cards, handmade picture books and designing bulletin boards each fall for my school teacher mother.
As a young adult, I studied painting privately and at the community college, but soon other ambitions took priority. Although I graduated to become a Licensed Vocational Nurse, my actual life dream of having a large family became fulfilled which kept me happily occupied with home based everything: home business, home birth and home education of my children. I am still in the midst of homeschooling my youngest, and all of my children are the light of my life.
My resurgence of artistic expression was sparked by two remarkable gifts from my adult sons: a handsome desk easel from my son, Zacchaeus followed by a life changing journey through The Artist’s Way with my other son, Lazarus. With my enthusiasm stoked and my creative heart renewed, many paintings ensued, which led me to where I am creatively today.
Perhaps you’ve noticed the photo of me at Jardin de Tuleries. Paris is another one of my loves, but that’s a story that is still unfolding.